
Category: Standalones

The Wounds No One Sees

Red Ribbon Award - The Wishing Shelf Awards

Published: 1/15/2022

This is a fiction story which is slightly different to the others listed here.

Three young adults. None with a regular life. When medical traumas become part of the family, can they heal the wounds no one sees? Aiden Corwin thought fainting on a hike was bad enough. But it turns out to be much worse when the fit teenager wakes up hospitalized in need of a kidney… and the closest match is the estranged father he hasn’t seen in years.

Zafirah Negrassi expected everything to go back to normal after her heart transplant. But the seventeen-year-old dancer is devastated when she lacks the endurance to resume her passion.

Tanya James wishes for a stronger relationship with her twin sister. It won’t be easy though when her sibling’s cystic fibrosis lands her back in the hospital after a successful lung transplant.

Three high-schoolers navigate the terrifying world of receiving organ donations.

From Aiden reaching out to the dad he thinks doesn’t love him, to Zafirah fearing losing her friends, and Tanya struggling to bond deeper with her sibling, these interwoven stories of young adults facing overwhelming adversity and coming through it greater will move and inspire you. The Wounds No One Sees is a beautifully told tale of a trio of teens battling extraordinary circumstances.

If you like thoughtful characters, uplifting moments, and tough emotional dilemmas, then you’ll adore D. Bath’s tender novel of hope.

Praise for The Wounds No One Sees

Book Reviews From The Wishing Shelf Book Awards

"The thought-provoking story of three young adults navigating the complex world of organ transplants. A RED RIBBON WINNER and highly recommended!"
— The Wishing Shelf Book Awards

“I thought this was a good read. It ́s sort of deep and a bit depressing. It looks at three teenagers who have physical problems. I thought the dancer was the most interesting. It ́s a bit slow, but it ́is educational and very interesting. Sad too.”
— Boy, aged 15

“I have a twin, so I felt a lot for Tanya and what she was going through. This novel is all about
overcoming adversity. I liked the writing style. There are lots of sad moments, but lots of happy, uplifting moments too.”
— Female reader, aged 15

“As I ́m healthy, I don ́t think about teenagers dealing with transplants and organ donors. It must be so tough for them. I think this book is thought- provoking. After I finished it, I better appreciated being healthy. I don ́t know if a lot of teenagers will want to read books like this, as it's a bit depressing. But I liked it.”
— Girl, aged 16


Book Club Questions:

  • What do you think of the novel's title? What does it mean to you?
  • What themes and tropes do you feel are in the book?
  • Do you have a favourite scene? Which one and why?
  • Which character do you most relate to?
  • What do you think of Anemone's message to her granddaughter? 
  • How do you feel about organ donation?